HPO Center

Benefits of the HPO Framework

Since the first publication on the HPO Framework in 2007, many organizations worldwide have worked with the HPO Framework, and many new research studies have been based on the framework. This made it possible to evaluate the financial and non-financial benefits that applying the HPO Framework can bring to organizations.

Download chapter 1 and 2 of What Makes a High Performance Organization for free (PDF)

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These benefits of HPO consists of the following:

“The HPO Framework brought a viable facts and data-based framework. It gave us sets of activities that we could undertake to endeavour to improve towards becoming an HPO. It gave us a vision, something to aim for. I think people operate best when they have got that: this is where I am and that is what I need to do to get where I need to be and what I can expect when I get there. With the HPO Framework we had something that we could communicate to people, that people could start biting on, could start believing in. It provided a common language among our people. The HPO Framework was part of the glue that allowed us to stick parts of the organization together, redirect people’s eyes towards an intelligent, believable outcome. It helped to generate the drastic improvement in delivery that we managed to instigate.”

— Huw Owen, former chief executive officer, Hewlett Packard Defence & Security, UK

For more information about the HPO Framework, HPO Diagnosis, our lecturers, HPO Experts, workshops and Master Classes, please contact us (schreurs@hpocenter.com or T. +31 (0) 35 – 603 70 07).

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